Our Directors

Mark S. Waters
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Mark S. Waters
In 1999 Mark became a Director with J.E. Bergasse and Company Ltd, and after serving in that post for 18 years, he was appointed Chairman of the Board in December 2017.
He attended the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts where he earned a degree in Technical Theatre and Stage Management and began his work in the Entertainment Support Industry in 1973. Throughout the years he was from 1978 – 1999 Founding partner & Director -The Imagination Group Ltd – London U.K. Imagination is one of the world’s largest and highly regarded design consultancies that has pioneered Brand Experience as a new and powerful approach for connecting brands with consumers, corporations and communities. It is a unique multidisciplinary design consultancy based in London with offices around the world.
Founder and Partner of Q1 Lighting Partnership; a company that specialized in the hire of theatre drapes and lighting equipment, Partner and Founding Director of the ID3 Group, LLC in Atlanta, USA, and in 2003 he became Managing Director of The Imagine Group of Companies; which hosts the development Mount du Cap a development of luxury bespoke homes with some of the best views on the island.
Mark has been a Non-Executive Director with Cox & Company Ltd. in St. Lucia since 2005, Board Member with the St. Lucia Tourist Board from 2009 to 2011 and was a member of the St. Lucia Tourist Board Events Committee until 2015. He is a citizen of the U.K. and St. Lucia and has been living in St. Lucia since February 1999 with his wife and three children. He loves his family, music, design, architecture, being on the water, and traveling the world.

Hollis D.D. Bristol
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Hollis D.D. Bristol

Hollis Bristol joined and became a partner with J.E. Bergasse and Company Ltd. on September 1, 1959. Hollis is currently a director of the board, as well as Chairman for Agostini Insurance Brokers (St. Lucia) Ltd. where he has been instrumental in driving revenue and strategy for that Company. His experience and leadership in this regard has delivered consistent year-over-year growth and revenue for Agostini Insurance Brokers (St. Lucia) Ltd.
Hollis worked with Barclays Bank in St. Ann, Jamaica and left in August, 1959 as an Accountant. Hollis has dedicated his life to service both in the private and public sectors and has represented his country in the sporting disciplines of Cricket, Football, and Tennis. He was the first secretary of JAYCEES and where he served as Vice President. He is also one of the founding members of the Rotary Club of St. Lucia. Hollis has been the Secretary and Acting President of the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce as well as President of the Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce. He has served as Mayor of Castries, Member of the Parliament of St. Lucia, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister and Deputy Chairman of the St. Lucia Development Bank.
Hollis has been awarded the Saint Lucia Les Pitons Medal (SLPM) and the Medal of the Order of the British Empire (OBE).

Anthony M. Bergasse
Managing Director
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Anthony M. Bergasse

Anthony Bergasse assumed the role of Managing Director in 1995 following the unexpected death of the previous Managing Director, Peter A. Bergasse. Since taking over the daily operation of J.E. Bergasse and Company Ltd., Anthony has been instrumental in conceptualizing and driving the strategy toward a more focused direction for the Company. Defining the business priorities, mission and long-term strategy and aligning the Company to those goals has been a work-in-progress for the last decade. His leadership in this regard has delivered consistent year-over-year growth in the areas of revenue and profit since 2002.
Anthony was called back to Saint Lucia in 1983 at a time when the company was in transition to a computerized financial accounting system and J.E. Bergasse management needed someone to oversee the successful implementation and rollout of this new software. Over the years the relationships with Xerox and IBM (J.E. Bergasse partners since the late 1970’s and early 1980’s respectively) were expanded under Anthony’s direction to encompass additional world-class brands including RISO, Lexmark, and more recently Lenovo, broadening the focus on Document Technology. As a complement to these offerings, alliances have been formed with regional resources to deliver and support top-to-bottom technology solutions for Saint Lucia businesses.
Prior to 1983 Anthony’s experience included financial account management for Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company and subsequently for 3M Canada both based in London, Ontario, Canada where he held a variety of positions culminating with that of internal auditor.
Mr. Bergasse holds bachelor’s degrees in Finance and Economics from the University of Windsor in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He was President of the Rotary Club of Saint Lucia (1994/1995) and is a Paul Harris Fellow. Anthony currently sits on the Board of Directors for United Re-Insurance Limited and Agostini Insurance Brokers (Saint Lucia) Limited and is actively involved in the Saint Lucia Yacht Club.

Gerard P. Bergasse
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Gerard P. Bergasse

Gerard Bergasse is the Regional Manager, Tropical Shipping, the Caribbean’s leading freight carrier, and logistics solution provider, with oversight for the organisation’s operations in St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Grenada.
Prior to his current position, he served as Island Manager, Tropical Shipping, where he started his career. Mr. Bergasse continues to be an active proponent in implementing and supporting Tropical Shipping’s Business Continuity Plan, growing the organisation’s inter-island business relationships. He also advocates assiduously for trade facilitation and is a strong exponent for liberalizing intraregional trade.
Mr. Bergasse holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, an MBA from the University of Toronto, Canada, and a master’s degree in Shipping and Logistics from Middlesex University, UK.
External Appointments Mr. Bergasse was appointed to the Board of Directors Republic Bank (EC) Limited in April 2020. He is an active member, and past president, of the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce and has also served on the Boards of the St Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority and the National Insurance Corporation. He is the current chairman of the National Competitiveness and Productivity Council.

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Arlene Devaux née Bristol graduated from the University of Toronto in 1992 with a degree in Civil Engineering. Her work experience has incorporated project procurement and supervision with the water and electric utility companies in St Lucia. She has over 17 years’ experience in construction project management consulting through tenures with Halcrow and presently ECMC Ltd. Mrs. Devaux is actively involved in St. Mary’s College PTA where 4 of her 5 sons have attended. She led the development of the First Communion curriculum at St. Benedict’s Parish where she has been a Catechist for over 13 years.